You can use this free cash flow forecast template to:
Get clarity on your numbers for the next few months, or years (however long you choose to forecast).
See how different scenarios may turn out financially for your business. For example, hiring a new sales employee, the general manager taking time off work, or see how expanding your manufacturing plant with the purchase of a new machine will impact your bottom line.
Download the forecast here
We’ve built this cash flow forecast for you, so you don’t have to do all the legwork.
The forecast takes the shape of a professional services, or services based business, however can be re-jigged for any business.
The key to the accuracy of any forecast is granularity. Break down your revenue and cost of sales on a month by month, customer by customer, and cost by cost basis.
For instance, you’ll see in the template Revenue is broken down by hourly rate and multiplied by hours worked. Cost of sales is broken down by hours worked, multiplied by hourly rate.
Overheads are easy because they don’t change much month to month. Use the average of your last three months.
If you want to know even more about the forecast, and how to get the best out of it, check out the article we wrote about it.