Ryan Vergottini Ryan Vergottini

The PROBLEM with Hnry

Hnry is a great tool for self-employed that have just started out on their own. I argue that at a certain level of income you should consider a personal chartered accountant.

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Ryan Vergottini Ryan Vergottini

What the heck is Terminal Tax?

Terminal tax is the tax you pay at the end of the year. It’s your final tax bill. If you pay provisional tax or PAYE, this is deducted off of your terminal tax.

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Ryan Vergottini Ryan Vergottini

What the heck is provisional tax?

Provisional tax can be confusing to understand. In this article, I explain it in an easy to understand way.

I explain what it is, when you need to pay it, and how you can minimise your provisional tax payments.

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Ryan Vergottini Ryan Vergottini

What Do The New Income Tax Brackets Mean For You?

Instead of lowering the percentage tax rates that individuals pay, National and the coalition have rather opted to expand the brackets of income that the rates apply to.

In plain English, the expansion of the brackets means that the lower tax rates apply to more of your income, resulting in a lower overall income tax bill for you.

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Ryan Vergottini Ryan Vergottini

Capital Exit Plan (Do you Have one?)

A capital exit plan is important to help you plan how you and your business partners will leave the business. Who has the first right to purchase a partners shares? At what value?

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Ryan Vergottini Ryan Vergottini

How to work through the Airbnb GST changes (it’s easy)

GST will now be paid to Inland Revenue on your Airbnb bookings. You don't need to do anything unless you're already registered for GST. It's an automated system, but it pays to understand how it will effect your booking income.

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Ryan Vergottini Ryan Vergottini

Photographers! The three tax tips you need in your life

Tax tips: 1) One account for your day-today biz transactions, another account for your GST, and another for your income tax. 2) Make sure all equipment is on the fixed asset register for max tax deductions. 3) Don’t use drawings, go onto PAYE instead.

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