Performance Catch-ups

Taking your financial maturity to the next level.

If you’re not reviewing your quarterly financial performance promptly, then you’re missing out on extremely valuable insights your numbers are telling you.

Quarterly reporting and catch-ups allow my clients to understand their financial performance for the last three months, and crucially provide a base on where to focus for the next three months and beyond.

By preparing and reviewing your business’ financial performance quarterly, it allows us to compare your performance against prior periods, plus develop KPI’s that are important to you. This is highly valuable to those who want to stay close to their numbers and understand how they’ve been performing.

These regular catch-ups are invaluable to clients as it gives them:

  • Perspective on how they’ve performed over the past few months

  • A focused session to discuss challenges they are facing

  • A focused session to plan for the next quarter

  • A time to ask any questions they have been harbouring

 What’s included?

  • A quarterly management report that includes your financial performance for the last three months, along with a breakdown of key, unique-to-you, KPI’s and data. Download a sample report that shows you what this might look like, here.

  • A forecast for the next three months based on your expectations of trading activity. This forecast is what we will use to benchmark your actual performance against when we meet again.

  • A review of your tax position. Has trading been better or worse than forecast? Can you reduce the amount set aside for tax bills, or do you need to set aside more? Can we implement the use of third party tax financing to ease cash flow pressure?

  • And lastly, and most importantly, time with your accountant to discuss how YOU think business has performed, along with my arms-length, independent view on your performance (and of course a nice chat).

Book a time to speak with Ryan, to see how regular performance catch-ups might work for you and your business.

Monthly Performance Catch-ups

If quarterly catch-ups are not doing enough for you, we can always make these monthly.